The Department is run by Linda Willemse and Arlene Pienaar, who has considerable expertise in Personal Injury and Road Accident Fund Law. Together they have over 32 years of experience, having worked for both the Road Accident Fund and in private practice. They enjoy a solid working relationship with the Fund.
Due to the emotional and private circumstances involved in a personal injury claim, special care is taken to provide a holistic service to clients while at the same time maintaining appropriate attorney-client boundaries. Trust forms the basis of our relationships with our clients, who can rest assured that the successful settlement of their claim is our top priority. Litigation is often resorted to in order to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved.
The Department benefits from an extensive and well-designed infrastructure that makes use of the latest technologies and that has been developed over a number of years. Administrative duties are performed by experienced secretaries with the assistance of dedicated filing personnel and messengers. Candidate attorneys round off the practice by providing both legal and logistical assistance where required. Our offices and ablution facilities are wheelchair friendly and conveniently located in the city centre, accessible via all modes of transport.
In addition to our direct clients we serve as correspondent attorney to a large number of law firms outside of Cape Town.
We offer the following services:
- Road Accident Fund claims
- Insurance and Disability claims
- Metrorail claims
- Professional negligence
- Slip and trip claims
- Material damages claims in respect of motor vehicles
- Compensation for unlawful arrest, assault, defamation and malicious prosecution
- Dog bites
Vanderspuy Cape Town’s Personal Injury Department is client centred and will strive to make your personal injury claim as easy and painless as possible.